The past couple of years, cold weather has taken us by surprise. It seems that winter comes earlier and earlier every year. The extended cold periods cause boilers and heaters to work overtime which can really take a toll on them. 1st Choice Plumbing, Heating and Air Conditioning is a professional company providing high quality boiler installation in NJ at a price you can afford.
A heating bills and boiler repairs can get quickly escalate. Here are some tips to save on energy bills by maximizing the efficiency of your boiler.
Get a high efficiency boiler. If you have an older boiler with a pilot light, it is likely a standard efficiency boiler. High efficiency boilers work at 90% efficiency for the gas used to heat your home. Converting to a high efficiency boiler could save you money throughout the year.
Get a thermostat. Make sure your house has a thermostat installed. This will keep your heating working at a steady pace.
Keep your hot water cylinder set to 140 degrees Fahrenheit. This is a good temperature that will keep your water hot enough but not inflate utility bills.
Our professional technicians can perform boiler installation in NJ for all major boiler brands.
For more information on boiler installation in NJ, call 1st Choice Plumbing, Heating and Air Conditioning today at 201-288-0390!
These tips for installation for boiler is so helpful. And the size vs capacity of boiler is entirely necessary when planning to buy a boiler. Heating and Cooling London